Corporate Compliance Partners
In this office refurbishment, we were initially commissioned solely to assess the Feng Shui ♣ of the bare existing space.
Located in the Heritage-Listed Grafton Bond Building in Sydney CBD, these studies resulted in an ongoing commission to design & space plan the office fitout for CCP.
The major challenge was a very thick existing heritage-listed masonry wall, which effectively cut the tenancy in half. This exacerbated an existing demarcation between the front-line staff (most of whom were female) and the back-of-house IT staff (most of whom were male)
Our solution was to ensure the MD’s office was located at this fulcrum and designed in such away so as to maintain the widest possible opening through the wall and have her presence & location as the linking element.
Her office was then located in the Fame position overlooking the Chi (Power) position, as would be considered appropriate for the Company Founder.
This planning strategy ensured the culture and ongoing organisation would operate co-operatively in tandem.
Juxtaposing modern high-key finishes against the original building fabric lifted the slightly gloomy heritage nature of existing walls and timber beams and highlighted both their lineage and robust characteristics.
Outcome : A modern, supremely functional interior has been customised within a character-filled heritage-listed shell to ensure the corporate culture of this innovative company would continue to flourish.
♣ Feng Shui, literally meaning “wind and water,” is a traditional Chinese concept linking an individual’s destiny to their living or working environment aiming to ensure that people live in harmony with their surroundings.
It involves assessments of 3-dimensional design combined with an appreciation of those who use the space in question. We use this technique upon request , to assist clients in preparing their initial brief to us.
We have been studying & working fruitfully with these ancient understandings on numerous successful projects since first establishing the Practice.
We continue to be amazed how best-practice architectural design dovetails into this ancient practice of Feng Shui and vice-versa. With Architecture often referred to as “the second oldest profession in the World”, after prostitution ( ! ) , perhaps this is not really so surprising….?
Feng Shui 2 CCP Offices
- Categories →
- Art + Graphics + Feng Shui
- Commercial
- Interiors
CZ Axby House : Dulwich Hill
House : Neutral Bay
House : Dulwich Hill
House: Earlwood Sydney
House : Glebe
Feng Shui 2 CCP Offices
Terrace House Chippendale
Paddington Terrace
Barribunma Country Weekender
Feng Shui 1 : Chippendale Terrace
Moore Park Gardens Apartment Sydney
Kidz + Dogz
Emu Swamp House : Orange
Stancombe Research & Planning, Paddington
Boutique Retail Development Paddington
1930’s Country House Sussex UK
3 Digital Projects
Randwick Semi
Development & Approvals Process
Apartment Central London UK
Aperture V3 Table ©
RubyRed Coffee Table ©
Galerie Bench ©
Lab 265 @ Sydney University
Supergroup Offices : Edgecliff
Kyowa Saitama Bank : Sydney CBD
Australand Marketing Suite : Balmain
Office: Tenancy Re-Design Rose Bay
CCP Offices : Hickson Road Sydney CBD
High Street Community Library : Strathfield
Exhibition Pavilions: Penrith City Council
ELF Environmental Learning Facility : Orange
R-Hubs Drive Thru Recycling Centre Penrith
International Garden Festival Restaurant Pavilions : UK
Glebe Point Road Apartments
BGHS School Grounds : Burwood
Sports Pavilion : Strathfield