Cultural Irony…and the Roman Coin

There has to be some irony here I think……but nonetheless, great to see Australian architects DCM deliver an evocative architectural work next to Stonehenge, Europe’s best-known prehistoric monument in the UK. Aussie Architects taking their sensibilities back to UK to grapple with a druidic temple! Especially love the pic with the fog…can just imagine a couple of Druids sweeping out of the dampness and confronting the DCM edifice. ( or have I been watching too much Dr. Who over the years )

Stonehenge Visitor & Exhibition Centre, Amesbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom

PS: Always felt it would be interesting if some archaeologist in Australia was to unearth a few Roman coins in an Aboriginal Midden somewhere….Forget the Dutch, the Portuguese and the Brits “discovering” Terra Incognito…The ROMANS !! ….. Leichhardt and Lygon St Melbourne would erupt in celebration!!!

Photograph (C) by: Matt Cardy , Getty Images


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