Ralph Erskine. Another favourite Architect
From his own original tiny house in the Swedish Woods to his Stockholm University Library, his humanist philosophies shine through. The black and white image shows Erskine at his drafting table around 1945 in his small home. Check out the contemporary images on the link below to imagine him pencilling away during a harsh Scandinavian winter heated by the warmth of the fireplace. Interesting to discover that Iqbal Aalam who’s flikr pics I have hyperlinked, was also the photographer who documented my hometown of Cumbernauld on flikr…..nice symmetry! Both flikr hyperlinks shown and also Iqbal’s website.
Ralph Erskine: http://www.treehugger.com/green-architecture/box-ralph-erskines-precursory-tiny-house-swedish-woods.html
Iqbal Aalam: http://www.flickr.com/photos/iqbalaalam/sets/72157628608436127/detail/
Architecture in Cumbernauld : Somewhat dated but it was a great place to grow up: http://www.flickr.com/photos/iqbalaalam/sets/72157623485713516/
and: https://www.facebook.com/OldCumbernauldPictures